However, it’s still possible to install Movie Box without the need to jailbreak, through the following trick which originally intended to allow developers test their apps easily. Even if you want, it’s still impossible to jailbreak iOS 8 yet. Not all people wants to jailbreak their iDevices though. The catch is that officially to install Movie Box on iOS device, you need to jailbreak. For iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users, an alternative is available, which is Movie Box.

The Download in sequential order option allows you to download the torrent video file like a video that is being buffered in youtube by downloading the Starting of video to End of the video file one by one, thus allowing you to watch the video while it’s being downloaded.Android users have been able to enjoy free flow of movies and TV shows streaming service through special BitTorrent client apps that uses sequential downloading in order to stream media called Show Box and Popcorn Time. Step 5: Now Select the Download in sequential order option and untick the download first and last pieces first option if it is selected. Step 4: Now when the video file is downloading, right-click on torrent download and you will see a list of options. Let’s see how to enable the sequential download option to watch the video file while it’s downloading. Step 3: Then download the torrent file for the video you wanted to watch and then open the torrent file using the QBitTorrent application downloaded. Step 2: Qbittorrent application lets you watch a video while downloading the video file using the torrent sequential download option. Step 1: First, if you don’t have Qbittorrent download and install it from google by searching Qbittorrent or click here. Let’s learn how to stream a video when downloading without waiting using a torrent application in Windows 10 or macOS. How Do I Download Video Clips From The Internet?