We've put together some instructions that you can download to get you started hosting your own Minecraft server for your student. There's good news! You'll be able to see who's connecting to and playing in your child's worlds if you set up your own Server. Players can collaborate on a public internet server to create bigger and better things than they could alone but, you have no control over who connects to the public servers and thus who your child interacts with online.

If you use our server hosting, you can have a server up and operate in minutes, and it shouldn't take more than an hour if you do it yourself. You may learn a lot about the numerous aspects of setting up a Minecraft server, whether you're a parent or a Minecraft player. Before you open your Minecraft server to the public, double-check that everything is in order. Everything from hardware needs to server setup, security, maintenance, and upgrades must be considered. There are numerous factors to consider when deciding whether to establish your own Minecraft server or rent one. This is a centrally situated server that allows numerous players to log in and play at the same time. If you want to play multiplayer Minecraft, you'll need to connect to a server. Minecraft is an extremely popular game on this planet, and it's quite simple to get started within the single-player mode.