Free download metroid other m ridley
Free download metroid other m ridley

free download metroid other m ridley

But think about it for a few seconds, for pete's sake. There are people who take issue with Samus' calm and blase attitude as she narrates the story in Other M.If we really wanna stretch this, it could mean "Other Malkovich" referring to Adam and Ian.Also potentially a callback to the badly-translated ending of Metroid, where it says: "But, it may be invaded by the other Metroid." It could also mean "Other Metroids", referring to the recreated batch of Metroids.Or it could mean "Other Madeline", referring to MB stealing Madeline Bergman's identity."Other M" could also mean "Other Mother", referring to MB being basically another Mother Brain.Also if you place the M before Other, it reads "Mother", representing Samus' relationship with the Baby Metroid and Madeline Bergman's relationship with MB. Metroid: Other M may seem like an arbitrary subtitle until you notice as an acronym it reads "MOM".Fridge Pages are Spoilers Off, all spoilers below are unmarked!

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