Bamboo paper apple pencil
Bamboo paper apple pencil

The Bamboo Paper iPad app and the Note Taker HD iPad app are two very cool iPad apps that let you write notes by hand on your iPad. So, why is it that when we need to jot down a quick note, we still use that simple Notes app that came with the iPad? We need to find a note taking app that we really like (and can build into our workflow.) Handwriting Notes on the iPad 2: Differences between Note Taker HD and Bamboo Paper app

  • We see the potential of handwriting on your iPad to completely replace your overhead projector / elmo projector in the classroom.
  • bamboo paper apple pencil

  • Handwriting notes into your iPad is cool.
  • Even though it’s summer vacation, we haven’t had a chance to play with the new versions because 1) we’ve been very busy working on our online literature circles site, and 2) to be perfectly honest, we haven’t found a note app that we really like. Since this post was originally written, both NoteTaker HD and Bamboo Paper have both come out with new versions of their app. Unfortunately, we didn’t get around to publishing our thoughts on handwriting on the iPad until now.

    bamboo paper apple pencil

    Editor’s note: We wrote this post back in early July when we were comparing the voice recognition capabilities of Dragon NaturallySpeaking vs handwriting and typing.

    Bamboo paper apple pencil